~My Research~
This section is about things that I have randomly discovered that might
be related to Mana-sama.
1. Well you all know Mana-sama's official fanclub " mon amour" and
Mana-sama's birth place Hiroshima... well accidently I stumbled over the fact that cna relate these two. According to my research
in 1984 there was a band called ALCATRAZZ
and they had a song called "Hiroshima Mon amour". A coincidence? maybe. who knows...
It is a really, how can i say, controversial song... but its in 80's style...
Then there is also a movie with the same title :
Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)
In Alain Resnais's
artistic adaptation of Margueurite Duras's HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR, a French actress working in Japan meets a Japanese architect with whom she has an affair.
Their relationship consists largely of conversations about the bombing at Hiroshima, the horrors that he and his family endured,
and her perception of it back home in occupied France. With a camera that operates sometimes like a slide show, other times
like a space vessel--switching easily in and out of flashbacks and gently blending footage of both Japan and France--the story
unfolds more like a collection of memories than a chronological narrative. Perhaps the most dramatic scene is the unforgettable
opener: An impeccably beautiful close-up in black and white depicts lovers writhing first in the ash of bomb fallout, which is
washed away by rain, then, as their skin dries, they begin to perspire from making love. She--the nameless female lead (Emmanuele
Riva)--remembers everything of the war. But He--the nameless male lead (Eiji Okada)--challenges her to determine if what she
remembers is real or just a projection. As with most Marquerite Duras novels, it's hard to determine exactly what happened
and what didn't. HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR is truly like a poem, using the emotional words of Duras to propel Resnais's ultrapowerful
2. Meaning of " Dis"....
Knowing Mana-sama's character , we can expect that everything he does has
some kind of secret meaning behind it... And as Moi dix Mois was formed the first CD/album called " Dis Infernal" was released...
I always was wondering what " Dis" stands for or.. maybe a secret meaning it has. Mana-sama is really interested in occult
( vampires, devils and all) so thats where i started looking.
Now to my research.
Dante Alighieri's writing " The Divine Comedy" which consists of 3 parts: Inferno
(Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise),The first part, Inferno, is by far the most famous of the three, and
is often published separately under the title Dante's Inferno.
The Nine levels of Hell are introduced.
The sixth level of Hell is called The City of Dis.
You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by
iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside
these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by
doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with
blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.
Secret Meaning? Maybe... this is just my research and my ideas. ^_^;(Updated April17 2006)

Famous People in Mana-sama's life.
Mylène Farmer
Mylène Farmer is a french artist who has Great songs/melodies and a very melancholic atmosphere. A big star in France,
her music has started to make its way to the international charts, even though most of you out there probably haven't heard
of her. But that just gives you the more reason to track down this CD and give it a listen. The hits on this album were "Désenchantée"
and "Je T'Aime Mélancolie", so you might have heard her music after all. She's very French, delicate and extremely
sensuel in both her music and music videos. All in all, great music to put on if you're in that special mood... or on a date
Mana-sama is a big fan of hers. He says that he would like to meet her and work together on music. ^_^
Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750) Compared
to most other major composers, Johann Sebastian Bach's life and career were confined to a very limited geographical space.
Born and raised in Thuringia, he never went farther north than Hamburg and Lübeck, or farther south than Carlsbad. Mana-sama's
favourite german musician. ^_^ Mana-sama have listened to his music ever since he was little. Mana-sama's parents were and
are music professors so he grew up listening to classical music. ^___^

Mana-sama's Talents ( besides music)
Mana-sama is an artist. In high school he was a member of
art club and like sculpture but he is good at drawing too. ^_^
Mana-sama also likes drawing a little "chibi-chibi" figures.
He is also a designer . He designed clothing for his band
and even opened his own clothing store "Moi-meme-Moitie". He is also considered to be the founder of Gothic Lolita Fashion

Mana-sama's food preferences.
Mana-sama' favourite
is Extremely spice Curry.
also loves Yogurt.